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ISDE Law Business School Master in International Law
ISDE Law Business School

Master in International Law

1 Years


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Összekevert, Az egyetemen


Discover the lawyer you can be

How to choose, if you don't know what your possibilities are? There are many ways to be a lawyer, and the first condition for success is to discover your place in the profession. A real immersion in its practice, hand in hand with the best firms and professionals, will show you what all your options are and which one fits you best. The one where you can combine your preferences with your abilities.

Lawyers from the most reputable law firms, consulting firms, and companies will show you how they practice the profession and teach you to work like them. In a program designed, directed, and taught by these major firms, you will learn, hand in hand with them, how to handle complex legal matters, advising national and international clients. With them, you will also discover your place in the legal profession and, through integration into these firms during the second phase of the program, you will begin to work in the place, area, and with the team where your skills shine the most and where your work can make you happiest.

The success of this formula, which provides not only the best training but also a direct path to employment, is endorsed by its top position in rankings such as those of El Mundo, Expansión, La Razón, or Economist & Jurist.


Find your place in the world of law and reach the top of the profession.

"There is no favorable wind for those who do not know which port they are heading for." Here, you will discover where you want to be and how far you want to go. You will be given all the tools and knowledge you need to reach it. With all your focus on the goal and the doors that ISDE will open for you, your future can only be brilliant.

It's for individuals...

Who seek to discover and occupy the place that the legal profession has for them. Where their preferences and abilities coincide and allow them to give their utmost.

Who seek...

To learn to practice the profession hand in hand with the best, working with them to succeed them in the elite of the legal profession when the time comes.

To become...

The best lawyer they can possibly be. Someone whom clients seek and the best firms want to hire. Who is a reference in their field and can rest assured every day, knowing that in their work, nothing more and nothing better could have been done. Satisfied with what they do and who they have become.

Firms that design, lead, and deliver this training:


Who you can become

In a program designed, led, and delivered by the best firms, the alignment between what is learned and what the market wants to hire is complete. One hundred percent. Your professors will be great individuals, but the firms don't do this out of the goodness of their hearts. They want to discover talent, train it, and hire it. Take advantage. Explore all your options, put your all into it, and it's done.



A program eredménye


Tanulói beszámolók

English Language Requirements

Tanúsítsd angol nyelvtudásodat a Duolingo angol teszttel! A DET egy kényelmes, gyors és megfizethető online angol teszt, amelyet több mint 4000 egyetem (például ez is) fogad el világszerte.

Az Iskoláról
